Dunia pelayaran dipenuhi dengan berbagai istilah dan singkatan yang mungkin membingungkan bagi mereka yang baru terjun ke dalamnya. Apakah Anda seorang pelaut pemula, seorang mahasiswa yang sedang mempelajari ilmu maritim, atau sekadar pecinta laut yang ingin memahami lebih dalam tentang dunia pelayaran, memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang istilah-istilah ini sangatlah penting. Artikel ini hadir sebagai panduan lengkap yang berisi daftar singkatan dalam istilah pelayaran, yang akan membantu Anda mengarungi terminologi maritim dengan lebih mudah dan percaya diri. Dari singkatan umum yang sering digunakan di dek kapal hingga istilah teknis yang digunakan dalam komunikasi antar kapal, kamus ini dirancang untuk menjadi referensi utama Anda dalam dunia pelayaran.
Berikut ini daftar Singkatan yang sering ditemui dalam Istilah Pelayaran :
- AIS : Automatic Identification System
- ALC : Articulated Loading Column
- AMVER : Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System
- ASL : Archipelagic Sea Lane
- ATBA : Area To Be Avoided
- ATLAS : Autonomous Temperature Line Acquisition System
- CALM : Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring
- CBM : Conventional Buoy Mooring
- CDC : Certain Dangerous Cargo
- CHA : Competent Harbour Authority
- COTP : Captain of the Port
- CVTS : Co-operative Vessel Traffic System
- DART : Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting Tsunamis
- DF : Direction Finding
- DG : Degaussing
- DGPS : Differential Global Positioning System
- DPG : Dangerous and Polluting Goods
- DSC : Digital Selective Calling
- DW : Deep Water
- DWT : Deadweight Tonnage
- DZ : Danger Zone
- E : East
- ELSBM : Exposed Location Single Buoy Mooring
- ENE : East Northeast
- EPIRB : Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
- ESE : East Southeast
- ETA : Estimated Time of Arrival
- ETD : Estimated Time of Departure
- FAD : Fish Aggregating Device
- feu : Forty Foot Equivalent Unit
- fm : Fathom(s)
- FPSO : Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel
- FPU : Floating Production Unit
- FSO : Floating Storage and Offloding Vessel
- ft : Foot (Feet)
- GMDSS : Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
- GPS : Global Positioning System
- GRT : Gross Register Tonnage
- GT : Gross Tonnage
- HAT : Highest Astronomical Tide
- HF : High Frequency
- hm : Hectometre
- HMS : Her (His) Majesty’s Ship
- HP : Horse Power
- hPa : Hectopascal
- HSC : High Speed Craft
- HW : High Water
- IALA : International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
- IHO : International Hydrographic Organization
- IMDG : International Maritime Dangerous Goods
- IMO : International Maritime Organization
- ISPS : International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
- ITCZ : Intertropical Convergence Zone
- ITZ : Inshore Traffic Zone
- JRCC : Joint Rescue Co-0rdination Centre
- kHz : Kilohertz
- km : Kilometre(s)
- kn : Knot(s)
- kW : Kilowatt(s)
- LANBY : Large Automatic Navigation Buoy
- LASH : Lighter Aboard Ship
- LAT : Lowest Astronomical Tide
- LF : Low Frequency
- LHG : Liquefied Hazardous Gas
- LMT : Local Mean Time
- LNG : Liquefied Natural Gas
- LOA : Length Overall
- LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas
- LW : Low Water
- mb : Milibar(s)
- MCTS : Marine Communications and Traffic Service Centres
- MF : Medium Frequenncy
- MHz : Megahertz
- MHHW : Mean Higher High Water
- MHLW : Mean Higher Low Water
- MHW : Mean High Water
- MHWN : Mean High Water Neaps
- MHWS : Mean High Water spring
- MLHW : Mean Lower High Water
- MLLW : Mean Lower Low Water
- MLW : Mean Low Water
- MLWN : Mean Lower Water Neaps
- MLWS : Mean Lower Water Spring
- MMSI : Maritime Mobile Sevice Identity
- MRCC : Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre
- MRSC : Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre
- MSI : Marine Safety Information
- MSL : Mean Sea Level
- MV : Motor Vessel
- MW : Megawatt(s)
- N : North
- NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Navtex : Navigational Telex System
- NE : Northeast
- NNE : North Northeast
- NNW : North Northwest
- No : Number
- NRT : Net Register Tonnage
- NT : Net Tonnage
- NW : Northwest
- ODAS : Ocean Data Acquisition System
- PEC : Pilotage Exemption Certificate
- PEL : Port Entry Light
- PLEM : Pipe Line End Manifold
- PMSC : Port Marine Safety Code
- POL : Petrol,Oil & Lubricants
- PSSA : Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
- PWC : Personal Watercraft
- RCC : Rescue Co-ordination Centre
- RMS : Royal Mail Ship
- RN : Royal Navy
- RoRo : Roll-on,Roll off
- RT : Radio Telephony
- S : South
- SALM : Single Anchor Leg Mooring System
- SALS : Single Anchored Leg Storage System
- SAR : Search And Rescue
- Satnav : Satellite Navigation
- SBM : Single Buoy Mooring
- SE : Southeast
- SHA : Statutory Harbour Authority
- SPM : Single Point Mooring
- sq : Square
- SRR : Search and Rescue Region
- SS : Steamship
- SSCC : Ship Sanitation Control Certificate
- SSE : South Southeast
- SSCEC : Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate
- SSW : South Southwest
- STL : Submerged Turret Loading
- STS : Ship to Ship
- SW : Southwest
- SWATH : Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship
- teu : Twenty Foot Equvalent Unit
- TRITON : Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network
- TSS : Traffic Separation Scheme
- UHF : Ultra High Frequency
- UKC : Under-kell Clereance
- UKHO : United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
- ULCC : Ultra Large Crude Carrier
- UN : United Nations
- UT : Universal Time
- UTC : Co-ordinated Universal Time
- VDR : Voyage Data Recorder
- VHF : Very High Frequency
- VLCC : Very Large Crude Carrier
- VMRS : Vessel Movement Reporting system
- VTC : Vessel Traffic Centre
- VTMS : Vessel Traffic Management System
- VTS : Vessel Trrafic Services
- W : West
- WGS : World Geodetic System
- WMO : World Meteorological Organization
- WNW : West Northwest
- WSW : West Southwest
- WT : radio (Wireless) Telegraphy